基督教的上帝就是那位對我們說,祂從沒有忘記我們,並對我們說,「正像我創造的新天新地永遠長存,你們的子孫和你們的名也要長久流傳。」(以賽亞書六十六22)生命的破碎、零亂或遺漏, 也因著名字被長久流傳而得到救贖。
2009年10月24日 星期六
在學期中做閒人 (四)
至於那個聯合國高級官員的演說就是浪費時間. 縱使他是有料之人, 但沒有準備, 只是東拉西扯完成一個多小時的演講.
在學期中做閒人 (三)
Taize是否適合成人? 我有些保留, 不但因為參加者佔了七成都是青年人, 更因為其節目的設計也沒有針對成年人. 相對於在蘇格蘭的Iona就很不一樣 (可以上網知道更多有關它的背景). 它每周有特別主題, 又有其他活動 (例如, 行山, 圖書館). 若不是Taize這樣有名氣, 我相信我會選擇到 Iona.
在Taize期間, 我有兩個問題. 第一, 修士們主要提供的活動, 就是早,午,晚三次祈禱會 (每次約40分鐘) 和查經. 雖然沒有做調查, 但參加的青年人大都不是基督徒, 只是學校活動之一. 奇怪的是, 沒有歷奇活動, 又沒有營火會, 但青年人沒有因此而不來. 或許, 香港的青年工作可能怕青年人悶, 以致要大攪活動. 結果, 我們以為接觸了青年人, 但卻沒有為他們提供另類選擇.
在Taize期間, 我有兩個問題. 第一, 修士們主要提供的活動, 就是早,午,晚三次祈禱會 (每次約40分鐘) 和查經. 雖然沒有做調查, 但參加的青年人大都不是基督徒, 只是學校活動之一. 奇怪的是, 沒有歷奇活動, 又沒有營火會, 但青年人沒有因此而不來. 或許, 香港的青年工作可能怕青年人悶, 以致要大攪活動. 結果, 我們以為接觸了青年人, 但卻沒有為他們提供另類選擇.
第二, 有別於其他朝聖之地, Taize沒有聖人顯現. 為何它成為朝聖之旅. 原因只有一個很簡單的故事, 就是Roger 兄弟對第二次世界大戰難民收留的故事. 一個由人的慈心而發展了今日的 Taize. 所以, 相對於其他地點, Iona, Assis等地, Taize 的環境沒有甚麼吸引. 它只是一條綁村, 沒有吸引的環境, 也沒有仔細的設計. 一條很簡單的綁村.
在學期中做閒人 (二)
昨晚還趕得上參加晚禱會, 但因人數太多, 而咳嗽聲此起彼落, 所以, 很難投入. 今早早禱會, 我坐在最前方, 四周咳嗽聲較少, 但可惜的是, 我還未適應時差. 在安靜時, 已進入更美好的安靜 (睡著).
雖是如此, 但我仍很清醒, 心中有一個疑問. 相對於佛教和印度教, 基督宗教似乎沒有任何指引協助你進入寧靜. 唱了數首詩歌和讀了一兩段聖經, 當事人就被假設自動地進入寧靜. 然而, 這假設性在我身上並不成效. 為何基督宗教不教人學習呼吸, 不教人在身體上配合, 不教人集中焦點…. 想了一會: 這是否跟基督宗教強烈恩典和聖靈工作有關? 恩典, 因為這是上主的工作, 而不是人努力的結果; 聖靈, 因為上主有祂的自由, 而不受人的控制. 當然, 我們無需將上主工作與人的努力對立, 但實際運作就是這樣了.
事實上, 當早禱會到聖餐環節時, 我懶洋洋的感覺被甦醒過來, 有點像被聖靈 ’充滿’, 深受感動被聖體孕育. 這就是一種沒有準備的靈性體會.

雖是如此, 但我仍很清醒, 心中有一個疑問. 相對於佛教和印度教, 基督宗教似乎沒有任何指引協助你進入寧靜. 唱了數首詩歌和讀了一兩段聖經, 當事人就被假設自動地進入寧靜. 然而, 這假設性在我身上並不成效. 為何基督宗教不教人學習呼吸, 不教人在身體上配合, 不教人集中焦點…. 想了一會: 這是否跟基督宗教強烈恩典和聖靈工作有關? 恩典, 因為這是上主的工作, 而不是人努力的結果; 聖靈, 因為上主有祂的自由, 而不受人的控制. 當然, 我們無需將上主工作與人的努力對立, 但實際運作就是這樣了.
事實上, 當早禱會到聖餐環節時, 我懶洋洋的感覺被甦醒過來, 有點像被聖靈 ’充滿’, 深受感動被聖體孕育. 這就是一種沒有準備的靈性體會.
2009年10月16日 星期五
在學期中做閒人 (一)
工作到晚上七時, 才回家吃飯. 飯後, 趕著收拾行李, 跟孩子們說再見, 八時半就出發去機場. 上機後, 才發覺還有數件事還未完成. 到達瑞士日內瓦, 立即以SMS文代工作.
今年是加爾文誕辰500週年, 日內瓦有不少慶祝活動. 至於紀念品, 我買了兩樽加爾文品牌啤酒. 不知是否可用來作聖餐之用? 呀, 這是啤酒, 不是葡萄酒. 下午四時左右, 我將會搭火車到法國Macon, 行車時間只需兩小時. 但從Macon 到 Taize 的巴士就要等兩個小時 (行車只需30分鐘). 有兩個祈禱內容, 希望有順風車, 可以早一點到. 第二, 希望正確下車, 並成功入宿. Taize 是甚麼地方? 不認識的話, 可以上網找出來. 查實, 我早於1986年留學丹麥時曾計劃一訪, 奈何當時法國恐怖活動, 一切外國人入境變得嚴厲. 所以, 那時沒有去, 而去了奧地利. 時隔23年, 終於可一嘗心願.
今年是加爾文誕辰500週年, 日內瓦有不少慶祝活動. 至於紀念品, 我買了兩樽加爾文品牌啤酒. 不知是否可用來作聖餐之用? 呀, 這是啤酒, 不是葡萄酒. 下午四時左右, 我將會搭火車到法國Macon, 行車時間只需兩小時. 但從Macon 到 Taize 的巴士就要等兩個小時 (行車只需30分鐘). 有兩個祈禱內容, 希望有順風車, 可以早一點到. 第二, 希望正確下車, 並成功入宿. Taize 是甚麼地方? 不認識的話, 可以上網找出來. 查實, 我早於1986年留學丹麥時曾計劃一訪, 奈何當時法國恐怖活動, 一切外國人入境變得嚴厲. 所以, 那時沒有去, 而去了奧地利. 時隔23年, 終於可一嘗心願.
2009年10月11日 星期日
When will the promise be cashed?
Making promise and keeping promise cannot be separated. Otherwise, there is no trust. Without trust, we can’t live. This is the logic of life. Some people may argue that it is better not to make any promise so that there is no breaking of promise. This can be true. But can we live in a life without making promise? I don’t think we can. When the promise is related to the future, the question of that ‘when will the promise be cashed?’ is valid. This is the concern of today’s reading.
Mk 10:17-31 tells us that the rich man considered eternal life important, but the importance of eternal life was not really important in comparison with the earthly riches. This was why he went away when he was requested to sell all that he had and gave it to the poor. This is the background that Jesus talks about what the importance in life is. Jesus agrees with the rich man that eternal life is importance, but eternal life is not understood as a matter of life after death. It is here and now. This is why Jesus said, ‘there is no one who has given up home, brothers or sisters, mother, father or children or land for my sake and for the Proclamation, who will not receive in this present age a hundred times as much.’ (v. 29) What Jesus has said is that eternal life is not just about non-material reward. On the contrary, it is very materialistic. In fact, this kind of understanding is reflected in Job’s experience in the Old Testament. Job has blessed more than he had blessed the first. Unfortunately, the rich man is leaving too quick so that he has failed to have a full picture of eternal life. Otherwise, he might be voluntarily to sell all he had for the poor. Is his decision to leave just a result of lack of a full picture of eternal life?
I would say that if he remained here to listen to what Jesus had explained what eternal life was, he might be further disappointed, because one would experience persecutions (v.30). I don’t think that this is something that the rich man expects. In other words, what Jesus requested from him to sell all his possessions is relatively soft and mild, for the worst is to be a beggar, but being persecuted is even worse. He may be jailed, exiled, homeless and tortured. Thus, what Jesus has said to the rich man reflects that Jesus really loves him, and even lowers the request in order that he is able to inherit eternal life.
However, the rich man finds it difficult to do what Jesus requests, because he does not have faith in the promise of eternal life. This is why Jesus said, ‘For men, this is impossible, but not for God.’ For the rich man, what is in hand is more important than what is not in hand. This is the background why Jesus makes his promise of eternal life related to the present age. The promise of eternal life is not just a matter of faith, but is something that we can experience in here and now. The next question then is whether you really have received a hundred times of what you have given up for God.
There are differences between Christians in city like Hong Kong and Christians in nations like Myanmar (Burma), North Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines and other nations in Africa. They have experienced persecutions due to their belief in Jesus Christ and their insistence in justice. They have experienced their families being killed. They have to take refuge in other nations, and become both homeless and stateless. Paradoxically, most Christian witnesses that we have heard in Hong Kong are more or less related to how God helps us to find a job, get a flat, overcome the difficulties and even heal the sickness. I never question the validity of these witnesses, but I am deeply stirred by Christian experience of being persecuted and suffering. What is the meaning of Jesus’ promise in Mk 10:29 to them? Is it better for Jesus to talk about eternal life in the coming age? What Jesus has promised in this present age has put him in a difficult situation.
My answer is that Jesus’ promise has to be understood with persecutions together. In other words, what Peter has said that they had left all to become Jesus’ followers (v.29) is not just about their sacrifice, but also about a result of fleeing or escape. In other words, it is not because a person has to leave all your home, family and land to follow Jesus, but because persecutions due to following Jesus make a person to flee from house to house, from family to family, from farm to farm. In this sense, the promise of that you would receive a hundred times as much does not mean that you would be rich enough to buy another piece of land, get a second wife and build a house, not flat, but rather that you would be received, cared and embraced in your life of persecutions and fleeing by the Christian community elsewhere. The promise that Jesus has made is not a reward, but a provision for need. Jesus never promises to get rid of persecutions and suffering in our lives, not because suffering leads to salvation, but because this is the reality of life. Even Jesus himself has no exemption. It is absolutely right to protest against injustice, but it is also equivalent important to show our solidarity as well as friendship to the persecuted and suffered. The promise that Jesus has made is that life is difficult, but God cares.
The church is a sign of God’s care. On the one hand, we are a community being cared by God. On the other, we are a community to show God’s care to the suffered. Through worship, prayer and fellowship, we embrace one another in love and tears, hope and frustration, solidarity and struggle to proclaim that ‘I believe in life before death’.
Mk 10:17-31 tells us that the rich man considered eternal life important, but the importance of eternal life was not really important in comparison with the earthly riches. This was why he went away when he was requested to sell all that he had and gave it to the poor. This is the background that Jesus talks about what the importance in life is. Jesus agrees with the rich man that eternal life is importance, but eternal life is not understood as a matter of life after death. It is here and now. This is why Jesus said, ‘there is no one who has given up home, brothers or sisters, mother, father or children or land for my sake and for the Proclamation, who will not receive in this present age a hundred times as much.’ (v. 29) What Jesus has said is that eternal life is not just about non-material reward. On the contrary, it is very materialistic. In fact, this kind of understanding is reflected in Job’s experience in the Old Testament. Job has blessed more than he had blessed the first. Unfortunately, the rich man is leaving too quick so that he has failed to have a full picture of eternal life. Otherwise, he might be voluntarily to sell all he had for the poor. Is his decision to leave just a result of lack of a full picture of eternal life?
I would say that if he remained here to listen to what Jesus had explained what eternal life was, he might be further disappointed, because one would experience persecutions (v.30). I don’t think that this is something that the rich man expects. In other words, what Jesus requested from him to sell all his possessions is relatively soft and mild, for the worst is to be a beggar, but being persecuted is even worse. He may be jailed, exiled, homeless and tortured. Thus, what Jesus has said to the rich man reflects that Jesus really loves him, and even lowers the request in order that he is able to inherit eternal life.
However, the rich man finds it difficult to do what Jesus requests, because he does not have faith in the promise of eternal life. This is why Jesus said, ‘For men, this is impossible, but not for God.’ For the rich man, what is in hand is more important than what is not in hand. This is the background why Jesus makes his promise of eternal life related to the present age. The promise of eternal life is not just a matter of faith, but is something that we can experience in here and now. The next question then is whether you really have received a hundred times of what you have given up for God.
There are differences between Christians in city like Hong Kong and Christians in nations like Myanmar (Burma), North Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines and other nations in Africa. They have experienced persecutions due to their belief in Jesus Christ and their insistence in justice. They have experienced their families being killed. They have to take refuge in other nations, and become both homeless and stateless. Paradoxically, most Christian witnesses that we have heard in Hong Kong are more or less related to how God helps us to find a job, get a flat, overcome the difficulties and even heal the sickness. I never question the validity of these witnesses, but I am deeply stirred by Christian experience of being persecuted and suffering. What is the meaning of Jesus’ promise in Mk 10:29 to them? Is it better for Jesus to talk about eternal life in the coming age? What Jesus has promised in this present age has put him in a difficult situation.
My answer is that Jesus’ promise has to be understood with persecutions together. In other words, what Peter has said that they had left all to become Jesus’ followers (v.29) is not just about their sacrifice, but also about a result of fleeing or escape. In other words, it is not because a person has to leave all your home, family and land to follow Jesus, but because persecutions due to following Jesus make a person to flee from house to house, from family to family, from farm to farm. In this sense, the promise of that you would receive a hundred times as much does not mean that you would be rich enough to buy another piece of land, get a second wife and build a house, not flat, but rather that you would be received, cared and embraced in your life of persecutions and fleeing by the Christian community elsewhere. The promise that Jesus has made is not a reward, but a provision for need. Jesus never promises to get rid of persecutions and suffering in our lives, not because suffering leads to salvation, but because this is the reality of life. Even Jesus himself has no exemption. It is absolutely right to protest against injustice, but it is also equivalent important to show our solidarity as well as friendship to the persecuted and suffered. The promise that Jesus has made is that life is difficult, but God cares.
The church is a sign of God’s care. On the one hand, we are a community being cared by God. On the other, we are a community to show God’s care to the suffered. Through worship, prayer and fellowship, we embrace one another in love and tears, hope and frustration, solidarity and struggle to proclaim that ‘I believe in life before death’.
2009年10月4日 星期日
可10: 1-16
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