2009年7月26日 星期日

從運用與濫用聖經說起 (以斯帖記)










2009年7月24日 星期五



雖然中央政府努力將7月5日的新疆騷亂中所牽涉的種族與宗教、維吾爾與漢族、中國與國際伊斯蘭等等的關係淡化,但中央政府的政治上考慮卻避不開維吾爾與宗教密切的關係。事實上,西藏 的藏族不可能與藏傳佛教分割,新疆的維吾爾也不可能與伊斯蘭教分割。透過宗教,維吾爾的身分和價值系統被鞏固。同樣,伊斯蘭教也透過種族建立其影響力。以下,我嘗試從文化政治和宗教政策探討維吾爾在中國。

清政府要到1759年才全面控制維吾爾居住的地方,並稱這地為新疆(即新的疆土)。雖然自19世紀中葉,漢人逐步移居新疆,但於1864至77年期間,查阿古柏(Yakub Beg)曾反抗清政府管制,自組政府。於1911年期間,新疆曾被中國、英國 和俄國分割控制。此外,分別於1933和1944年,新疆曾先後嘗試獨立。這些歷史反映新疆拒絕認同它是中國一部分。為了進一步控制新疆,中央政府大量將漢人移居新疆來淡化維吾爾在新疆的獨特性,從1949年只有10個百分點的漢人到2000年已增至40個百分點。另一方面,中央政府於1955年成立維吾爾自治區,為要吸納維吾爾的順服。實際上,這距離真正的自治有很大距離,而香港(高度自治 )就是一個例子。這種軟硬政策也反映在維吾爾的文化生活上。例如,2003年《新疆歷史與發展》白皮書有這樣描述,「自西漢(公元前206年至公元後24年),新疆已是多元種族合一的中國不可分割的部分。漢族是其中最早的人民定居在新疆。於公元前101年,漢朝開始派軍開墾農地……」這是中央政府對少數民族的「文化使命」(civilising mission),目的是要證明他們屬於一個聯合的中國。同時,中央政府又向維吾爾和新疆提供優惠政策,其中包括經濟、教育、宗教和生育等等優惠。然而,中央政府亦知道對少數種?

在國際層面,自蘇聯解體後,中國政府已意識到新疆維吾爾將會是一個全球化問題,因為在中亞新成立的國家中多是伊斯蘭教。於1996年,中央政府與哈薩克斯坦、吉爾吉斯坦和塔吉克斯坦等成立上海 合作會議,其中一個重要合作是不支持分離組織。於1999年,俄羅斯 加入,並就邊界安全、打擊恐怖主義、分離主義和犯毒等議題得到共識。烏茲別克於2001年加入上海合作會議。按國務院報告(2002年),在1990至2001年期間,不同維吾爾分離分子發動200多次恐怖襲擊。911事件 給中國政府一個好機會,以打擊恐怖分子為名混淆恐怖分子、分離分子和公民權利支持者的區別。在2002年,美國 聯合國 支持中國定東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動為國際恐怖組織。





於1953年成立的中國伊斯蘭教協會受中央政府控制,多於伊斯蘭教影響中央政府的宗教政策。自1994年,中央政府提出社會主義與宗教相適應政策後,中國伊斯蘭教協會舉行背誦《可蘭經 》比賽、舉辦麥加朝聖團、以維吾爾語文出版的《中國穆斯林》期刊和出版簡明版《可蘭經》等等。相適應的另一面,就是伊斯蘭宗教教育中需要加插愛國教育,維吾爾的宗教人士並需要參加由中央政府負責的宗教愛國教育。新疆維吾爾自治區黨委書記王樂泉2005年說:




2009年7月19日 星期日

我們宣講甚麼福音 What we proclaim


Jer 23:1-6 was a very reassuring message for the exiled, for they were promised to be given a home and shepherded. Besides, they would have a bright future. Why were they fallen into such misery, that is, exile? It was not because they were unlucky, but because the shepherds (the kings) had failed to their callings. Their failure not only led to the fall of the nation, but also made their people homeless. Hence, it was so important to have a good king. In fact, God promised them to appoint a new king. He was honest, clever, compassionate and justice. Since this message is addressed to the exiled Israelites in 5-6th century BC, what is its meaning to us? Firstly, I would have to say that the Israelites’ unique experience has provided us a glass to glimpse who God is. He is the God on the side of the victims, powerlessness and homelessness. The God who had saved the people in the 5-6th century would be the same God who saves us now. Secondly, this message has reflected that a king should rule with justice and compassion. Although we may be used to the argument that the demand of Israelites to have a king is against God (1Sam 8), the central issue is not the kingship, but who the king is. When we put these two reflections together, we can conclude that God’s salvation is both personal and structural. No salvation can be fulfilled without making structure justice, and no salvation has meaning without giving one hope. Today, my reflection is primarily based on God’s structural promise to the Israelites,

Someday I will appoint an honest king from the family of David, a king who will be wise and
rule with justice. As long as he is king, Israel will have peace, and Judah will be safe. The name
of this king will be ‘The Lord gives Justice.’

Regarding the promise, we have to ask whether it has been fulfilled in Israelites’ history. Honest to say, the Israelites are not able to identify any ruler as the king whom God has promised till now. In other words, the promise is still an unfulfilled promise. However, we Christians have a different interpretation, for we believe that Jesus Christ is the promised king. But the Israelites find difficulty to accept this, for Jesus Christ does not come with a kingdom and he is not a king in a political sense. The Israelites’ objection is valid, but it is wrong to say that Jesus’ salvation has no intention to revive Israelites’ nation. Instead God’s promise is for all peoples, not just Israelites; God’s salvation is comprehensive, not just political. Hence, the revival of Israelite’s nation is too shallow and superficial to understand God’s promise. Jesus’ life and ministry has reflected the nature of God’s salvation. In short, Jesus’ crucifixion is a result of his practice of justice and compassion. He challenged the unjust social and religious norms, and the represented interest parties. He chose to be with the poor, sinners and marginalized, not the power and the rich. He was put into death, because he refused to support the kingdom of the oppressors. The mistake of the Israelites is that they fail to understand God’s salvation in a macro, radical and comprehensive way. Likewise, we Christians make another great mistake, because we are inclined to spiritualize God’s promise, and ignore the political reality of God’s kingdom.

Both God’s promise to Israelites and God’s promise realized in Jesus Christ have given us a vantage point to reflect the political dimension of salvation. Firstly, those who hold power are always tempted to abuse power for his own benefits and the privileged. Hence, a check and balance of the power is important. During the time of Old Testament, the prophets mostly picked up this duty. They challenged the kings and spoke on behalf of God and the people. Jeremiah was an example. Due to this, they were suffered. In the 21st century, our political structure is very different, and it always has had a built in check and balance mechanism to watch the government and provide protection to the prophets and the protestors. We appreciate people like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi, and we need people like them in society. But they would not need to be suffered if there is a better political structure. I am not saying that democracy can save, but rather democracy, to a large extent, can reduce unnecessary sacrifice. God’s promise of salvation is not simply for the victims, but also to prevent the emergence of victims.

Secondly, even though we know that no earthly government can be compared with the kingdom Jesus Christ represented, it does not mean that it is better for us to wait for the coming kingdom, and do nothing. What God has promised in the Old Testament and the life of Jesus Christ have expressed the quality of a king, that is, honest, clever, just and compassionate. However, it is almost impossible to have such a king, and this is why the king of Israelites is God himself. Despite this, this does not mean that we do not need to have any expectation from a king. On the one hand, we should not mytheologize a king, or he should not mytheologize himself. On the other hand, a demand to be honest, just and compassionate is applied to him. I am not in a position to tell you whether our government has done a good job or not, for you can make your own judgement. What I can share with you is a story of the mentally retarded people. Starting from this September (2009), mentally retarded students aged over 18 would not receive any subsidy to study in schools. Previously, they can remain in the subsidised school till aged 20. Ironically, this policy does not apply to the so-called normal students. You may argue that this policy is fair, for the mentally retarded people may use the excuse of going to schools to avoid working. If this is so, many of the so-called normal students are doing this, but they are not deprived of subsidised education. Justice is not about fair distribution, but about compassion, and therefore, it is just to give preference to the less advantaged.

God’s promise of salvation is both personal and structural. Political salvation cannot be replaced by personal salvation, and vice versa. They co-exist. If missing any one of the dimensions, we are simply proclaiming an opium form of salvation.

2009年7月16日 星期四


在未來日子(2-3星期),真的死都唔店,因為太多講座(包括講道)和 paper.雖然小弟曾於三年前發表一篇有關新彊維吾爾族的論文,但因工作實在太繁忙了,我實在沒有時間改寫在報張發表.雖是如此,但近日與羅民威(時代論壇)談及這事時,我仍禁不住內心衝動主動地提出負責一次講座.事就這樣安排了(7月21日).明報老朋友不知道從何收到消息,立即邀請我將講座資料化為文字,實行一雞多味.本來不打算做甚麼的我,最後還是避不了.

2009年7月13日 星期一

Pepsi in Blue

I like Coca-cola more than pepsi. In Indonesia, I found Pepsi in blue, but no pepsi in black. Is this an authentic pepsi? Guess whether I have taken it or not.

2009年7月12日 星期日


這個星期給以賽亞書 43: 14-21 深深吸引. 所以, 不論婚禮訓勉, 靈修分享和講道都環繞這主題. 早上崇拜講道後, 就會與一位 13 年前的學生及其先生一起吃午飯. 隨即, 就要出席一個由 Roundtable 主持的講座, 題目是宗教衝突對國際秩序的影響. 晚上, 就會同parents in law一起晚餐.

Text: Isa 43: 14-21 (There is always a way out)

Since we are so used to the material interpretation of the concept of creation out of nothing, the newness of that 'I (God) am about to do a new thing' (Isa 43:19) is mostly understood nothing related to the previous or the past. In fact, what creation out of nothing is concerned is about the meaningfulness instead of the origin of existence. Also with the deep influence of capitalism, the newness is more identified with replacement of the old, for the old has to go in order that the mechanism of capitalism can smoothly function. Such kind of understanding is very un-ecological.

The rise of the ecological consciousness in the last 40 years reminds us that the newness is more appropriate to be understood in the light of renewal, rebirth or regeneration of the old. The ecological interpretation tells us that the old would not be thrown away or destroyed due to the emergence of the new, but rather the new is a kind of continuity and discontinuity of the old. This is a common theme found in the Bible. The new covenant symbolized by the gospel is not to replace the old symbolized by the law, but the new regenerates the old. Likewise, circumcision practiced in the old covenant is not replaced by the baptism practiced in the new, but the old is not understood exclusively. Resurrection of the body is new, not in a sense of against the body, but in relation to the body in a sense of discontinuity and continuity.

However, you may not find the interpretation correct, for this is not what the text means (Isa 43:14-21), because the Israelites were asked not to remember the former things and consider the things of old (v.18). Ironically, it was God who reminded the Israelities the Exodus event. (v.16-17) The Exodus event was the former thing, but the Israelites who could believe in what God promised in verses 19-20 were dependent upon the remembrance of Exodus event. This ambiguity brings us to reconsider what the former things and the things of the old are in God’s request. In short, Israelites were in exile at that time, and this was why many passages of God’s promise of salvation were found in different chapters of Isaiah. In this context, the former and the old were most likely referred to the so-called glorious time, the Israel nation. In other words, the exiled people considered that the restoration of the nation was the realization of God’s salvation. This was also the belief of the Israelites during the time of Jesus. With this understanding, God’s request of not to remember the former things and the things of the old was to urge the Israelites not to have any dream of restoration of the Israelite nation. Despite this, God still saved them by making them a new people (v.21), and God’s providence was found in their lives. (v.19-20)

However, the application of this passage has to be careful. For instance, does this passage say no to Uighur Christians in Xinjiang, if any, asking for independence? Should they accept the reality? Likewise, does this message say no to Sun Yat Sen’s revolutionary movement against the Ching government? It can’t be denied that the Bible is spoken to the people at that time, but is not restricted to it. If so, how can we understand this passage in a very different context? A common practice is that Christians ignore the context and read the text from a personal sense. What I mean is that Christians just replace the Israelite concern with our own experience. An example of this is the story of the Lutheran Theological Seminary. In the mid 1980s, the old campus of the LTS was under the threat of the confiscation, for the government might have to use the land for building the Shing Mun’s Tunnel. This text (v.19) became the promise as well as the comfort for the president of LTS at that time. That is to say, God would provide a new campus for LTS. This is why the text inscribed on the cross in LTS’s campus. In order not to interpret the text as our wish, I think the key is verse 21, that is, God is going to create the people to declare God’s wondrous act. This new community is created not based on nationalism, but based on the relationship with God. In fact, the promise of a new community is not new, but rather Israelites had forgotten it, because they were absorbed to national identity. Nevertheless, the identity of being God’s people is not in contrast with one’s national identity, but they are not the same. In other words, don’t abuse the name of God for fighting one’s political aim, but there is nothing wrong to fight for political aim as a Christian. The identity of being God’s people still continues even though one has lost the national identity. In fact, one of the reasons of contemporary Israelite and Palestinian conflict is that the Israelites subject being God’s people to the land’s people.

Unlike the Israelites, we Christians are easier to understand being the worshipping community mentioned in verse 21. However, we should not turn the worshipping community into a ghetto characterized by lifestyle, but rather we are asked to declare and witness to God’s wondrous act. What is God’s wondrous act? According to the text, it is God’s promise of salvation. In Chinese, God’s promise is 總有出路 (there is always a way out). Those who are fallen in a very difficult relation always have a way out. Even though it may end up in divorce, God still makes a way in wilderness, and rivers in desert. Likewise, those who have had a very difficult financial burden always have a way out. A way out does not mean to release all financial burden, but rather bankruptcy, if happens, is not the end of the world.

When the Lord said, 'I am about to do a new thing', it is not about destruction. Neither is it a return to the previous glorious stage. Rather it is a promise of salvation. It requests us to have the courage to be separated from the ideology that we are identified with, and at the same time, to believe that we have future even though it seems impossible. The emergence of the worshipping community is a witness to it.

2009年7月11日 星期六


認識婉雯是很偶然, 但有趣的是, 她竟與內子認識. 因著她,
我開始稍為認真思考有關動物倫理和動物神學的議題. 生命就是從相遇開始, 與人相遇, 與動物相遇 ...

有幸, 我竟然可以在婉雯新著寫了以下一篇反省文章.


不疏散,因為他們不忍心留下他們的朋友(貓與狗)獨自 生活(當時的救援行動是先救人,後救動物)。我問內子,「你會留下與貓狗一起還是選擇與我們疏散?」她亳不疑惑,便說,「我會留下。你們可以彼此照顧,但貓狗們就不可以了。」







2009年7月10日 星期五


明天, 將要在一個婚禮訓勉, 但今晚, 卻要在一個聚會跟人討論離婚. 這是生活的反諷.

1. 聖經對離婚者的態度
* 約翰福音第四章有關耶穌與撒瑪利亞婦人相遇的故事:
+ 節16-18,耶穌沒有評論她的婚姻狀況(她是一個曾離婚的人)。再者, 作者約翰也沒有用
  + 節29,這婦人的反應反映她與耶穌的對話中得到肯定,因為她被剝奪的悲哀
(disenfranchised grief) 得到平反。
* 約翰福音第八章有關被捉淫婦的故事
+ 耶穌的反應代表一種審判的懸掛。
* 馬可福音十1-12和馬太福音十九1-12
+ 肯定婚姻的不可分開性,但接受有例外的。
  + 馬可沒有就分開一事提出條件,但馬太卻提出條件。這不同的記錄反映不同處境。在馬太
* a 當時,只有男性才有休妻的權力(申命記廿四1),所以,耶穌站在弱勢女人那一方。
b 審判的懸掛之原則,即不是事事需要作道德判斷。
  c 不同處境應對離婚可以有它不同處理。

2. 離婚的神學反省
* 當婚姻關係已陷入不可復修地步時,離婚是罪抑或不離婚才是罪?當罪是關係的疏離時,離
* 按馬丁路德兩個國度理解,婚姻屬於世界的國度。這國度不是完美,反而回應人的罪。所
* 為何人不可以在婚姻犯錯?為何在婚姻的犯錯只有修補關係的選擇?恩典如何可以在離婚與

3. 離婚與牧養
* 從婚姻中釋放
+ 當無法支持婚姻關係;
  + 當婚姻已失去其目的;
  + 當有其他責任比婚姻責任更大。
* 小心運用受害者的心態看待離婚者,因為這可能會製造仇恨。
* 對被剝奪悲哀的再思:這是不道德,悲哀是人的權力。
* 離婚是否罪?我會說,這不是上帝的心意,但上帝的恩典仍舊.

2009年7月9日 星期四






當我們集中從創造新生活去理解婚姻時,我們可能慢慢只專注自己的安樂窩。例如,家居佈置、由小屋搬大屋和旅遊計劃等等。這一切都是重要的,但婚姻的新也是上帝要在祂設立的婚姻中為你們創造一件新事。對於這一件新事時,你們可能有點緊張。例如,上帝是否要使你們的家成為無家者的家或要將你們一切賀禮變買照顧窮人?我不知道,但上帝為你們創造的一件新事是關乎一份禮物。因為這是禮物,所以,這新事是祝福,不是要求;恩典,不是責任。因此,上帝給你的禮物不是一次過的禮物,也沒有有效期。今日收完禮物後,明日會再收,下星期也會有。上帝要為你們創造一件新事就是上帝的承諾與恩典不減不退。事實上,今日婚禮的順利、親朋的祝福, 雷雨的到賀等等也是上主為你們預備的禮物。這新事沒有因著婚禮完成而結束,反而今日只是一個開始,一個對上帝要為你們創造一件新事的見證。



2009年7月4日 星期六




Since Christian concept of creation out of nothing is mostly understood in a material sense, the newness of that 'I (God) am about to do a new thing' (Isa 43:19) is nothing related to the previous or the past. It is a completely new. Also with the deep influence of capitalism, the newness is more identified with replacement of the old, for the old has to go in order that the mechanism of capitalism can smoothly function. However,I am afraid of that this understanding can be very un-ecological.

The awareness of the ecological consciousness in the last 40 years reminds us that the newness is more appropriate to be understood in the light of renewal, rebirth or regeneration of the old. The ecologica linterpretation tells us that the old would not be thrown away or destroyed due to the emergence of the new, but rather the new is a kind of continuity and discontinuity of the old. In fact, this is also the biblical message. The new covenant symbolized by the gospel is not to replace the old symbolized by the law, but the new regenerates the old. Likewise, circumcision practiced in the old covenant is not replaced by the baptism practiced in the new, but the old is not understood exclusively. Resurrection of the body is new, not in a sense of against the body, but in relation to the body in a sense of discontinuity and continuity.

When the Lord said, 'I am about to do a new thing', it is not about destruction. Neither is it about the replacement. Rather the newness requests us to have the courage to allow changes, and at the same time, to believe that the old has future .