2011年11月12日 星期六
2011年11月6日 星期日
The foolish and the wise (Mt 25;1-13)
The core focus of this parable is about the last judgment that a schism will run through the believers that will separate the elect from those who are called. Since the bridegroom symbolizes the return of Jesus, the virgins are Christians and the wedding feast symbolizes the kingdom of God in Christian tradition, Christians have to prepare themselves for the return of Jesus by having oil which represents good works instead of making prophesy when Jesus returns. Why can’t oil be represented by evangelism or others? This is because the following story of the division of the sheep into the left and right (Matt 25:31-46) is about good works, not about the doctrine and evangelism. The story is not about what the Chinese is used to say, 居安思危 or preparation for the worst, but rather that we should not ignore our good works. It is not the church membership that matters, but the deed.
Today I would like to draw your attention to the last few words of the parable. The bridegroom said to the five foolish young women, ‘I say to you, I do not know you.’ The door is not open for them, and they would not be allowed to join the wedding feast. Since this is the final, there is no second chance. Personally, I feel uneasy to the cruelty of the bridegroom who represents Jesus Christ. Other than Jesus, it is ok. For instance, one may be denied on board if one is late, and there is no excuse. However, since Jesus is lovingkindness, forgiveness and mercy shown in his life, he is supposed to be less rigid and gracious. Besides, we are not sure whether the foolishness of these five young women is a result of their naïve, irresponsibility or wickedness. Should they be treated individually? Or does my uneasiness abuse the graciousness of Jesus? I accept a basic fact that no matter whether one is naïve or wickedness, one has to bear one’s responsibility, but I am not puzzled whether the final is the final. This reminds me on the issue of death penalty. One of the strong reasons to say no to it, because we are not in a position to say the final is the final. Due to this, different people have attempted to imagine the possible different endings of this parable. Nikos Kazantzakis, author of the Last Temptation of Christ, writes
What would you have done, Nathanael?’ Jesus asked. ‘What would you have done if you had been the bridegroom?’
Nathanael was silent. One moment he thought to send them away. The door had definitely closed, and that was what the Law required. But in the next moment he pitied them and thought to let them in…
Finally, he answered in a low voice so that the old chief would not hear, ‘I would have opened the door.’
'Congratulation, friend Nathanael,’ Jesus said happily. ‘The bridegroom did exactly as you said: he called to his servants to open the door. This is a wedding, he cried, let everyone eat, drink and be merry. Open the door for the foolish young women and wash and refresh their feet, for they have run much. (p.217)
How do you think about this ending? Is this too humanistic? I think this question reflects who we are more than the correct interpretation of the passage.
If we are one of the foolish young woman, the purpose of Jesus’ saying is to remind us to be mindful and faithful. If we complain the cruelity of the bridegroom without repentance, our complaint is definitely an excuse. Therefore, it is acceptable that Jesus stops at what the account of Matthew is, for this can generate a stimulus to the audiences. I would probably use similar ending to encourage my children to be responsible, for if they know that they would be anyway to be admitted to the University, they would be just what they are right now, and have missed the chance to grow.
However, even though if the audiences are not the foolish, but the wise, they may be inclined to interepret Jesus’ parable in a doctrinal way. They might spend time to define what the good works are, and what should be counted. Unlike the Pharisees, they may do what they request other to do. They endeavor to press others to follow God's request and convert others. They may be faithful to the story, but they have turned to be the spokeperson of the bridegroom.
The third group of audiences is the wise who have entered into the wedding feast. They are happy that they are lucky to have enough oil along with them. They are also happy that they can participate in the wedding feast. However, there is an atmosphere of saddness around them, for they may be concerned about the friends who are not in. They would probably plea to the bridegroom to let them in.
Who are you in this parable, the foolish, the legalistic wise or the wise? Don't pretend to be wise as well as to be foolis. The foolish is the wise when they respond faithfully to God. And the wise can be the foolish when they share no God’s mercy for the whole world. Who are you in this parabl
Today I would like to draw your attention to the last few words of the parable. The bridegroom said to the five foolish young women, ‘I say to you, I do not know you.’ The door is not open for them, and they would not be allowed to join the wedding feast. Since this is the final, there is no second chance. Personally, I feel uneasy to the cruelty of the bridegroom who represents Jesus Christ. Other than Jesus, it is ok. For instance, one may be denied on board if one is late, and there is no excuse. However, since Jesus is lovingkindness, forgiveness and mercy shown in his life, he is supposed to be less rigid and gracious. Besides, we are not sure whether the foolishness of these five young women is a result of their naïve, irresponsibility or wickedness. Should they be treated individually? Or does my uneasiness abuse the graciousness of Jesus? I accept a basic fact that no matter whether one is naïve or wickedness, one has to bear one’s responsibility, but I am not puzzled whether the final is the final. This reminds me on the issue of death penalty. One of the strong reasons to say no to it, because we are not in a position to say the final is the final. Due to this, different people have attempted to imagine the possible different endings of this parable. Nikos Kazantzakis, author of the Last Temptation of Christ, writes
What would you have done, Nathanael?’ Jesus asked. ‘What would you have done if you had been the bridegroom?’
Nathanael was silent. One moment he thought to send them away. The door had definitely closed, and that was what the Law required. But in the next moment he pitied them and thought to let them in…
Finally, he answered in a low voice so that the old chief would not hear, ‘I would have opened the door.’
'Congratulation, friend Nathanael,’ Jesus said happily. ‘The bridegroom did exactly as you said: he called to his servants to open the door. This is a wedding, he cried, let everyone eat, drink and be merry. Open the door for the foolish young women and wash and refresh their feet, for they have run much. (p.217)
How do you think about this ending? Is this too humanistic? I think this question reflects who we are more than the correct interpretation of the passage.
If we are one of the foolish young woman, the purpose of Jesus’ saying is to remind us to be mindful and faithful. If we complain the cruelity of the bridegroom without repentance, our complaint is definitely an excuse. Therefore, it is acceptable that Jesus stops at what the account of Matthew is, for this can generate a stimulus to the audiences. I would probably use similar ending to encourage my children to be responsible, for if they know that they would be anyway to be admitted to the University, they would be just what they are right now, and have missed the chance to grow.
However, even though if the audiences are not the foolish, but the wise, they may be inclined to interepret Jesus’ parable in a doctrinal way. They might spend time to define what the good works are, and what should be counted. Unlike the Pharisees, they may do what they request other to do. They endeavor to press others to follow God's request and convert others. They may be faithful to the story, but they have turned to be the spokeperson of the bridegroom.
The third group of audiences is the wise who have entered into the wedding feast. They are happy that they are lucky to have enough oil along with them. They are also happy that they can participate in the wedding feast. However, there is an atmosphere of saddness around them, for they may be concerned about the friends who are not in. They would probably plea to the bridegroom to let them in.
Who are you in this parable, the foolish, the legalistic wise or the wise? Don't pretend to be wise as well as to be foolis. The foolish is the wise when they respond faithfully to God. And the wise can be the foolish when they share no God’s mercy for the whole world. Who are you in this parabl
2011年11月1日 星期二

就著香港社會的特性,筆者對於國民教育和公民教育有兩個看法。第一,2004年《香港全球公民調查》報告指出,有69%的受訪者認為,香港有責任照顧鄰近不幸的國家;有84%受訪者認為,承擔更多國際責任,有助建立香港的國際地位;有52%受訪者願意為公平貿易付出更多稅款。相反,只有39%認為香港沒有能力承擔對外的責任。以上調查意味著香港人已逐步走出島嶼心態,願意承擔更多國際責任。願意承擔更多國際責任,不等於削弱對本地和國家的承擔,反而卡明斯(Lucy M. Cummings)和鄧特抗(James T. H. Tang)在其專文中提出,香港承擔更多國際社會責任將有助建立社會團結力量。那麼,當下政府倡議的國民教育(強調自然國情、歷史國情、人文國情和當代國情)正違反和窒礙香港人的成長,以沙民主義(chauvinism)替代全球公民責任。
聯合國先後於1994年和1999年通過了「和平文化」(culture of peace)的建議和《海牙二十一世紀和平與正義綱領》(The Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice for the 21 Century),當中特別提出「全球和平教育運動」(Global Campaign for Peace Education)。和平教育理念有七方面,分別是人權(對他者尊嚴的肯定)、合作與團結(公民教育)、文化保育(對國家文化與歷史認識和欣賞)、自我與他者(人際關係)、國際主義(全球化)、環境保護(可持續發展)和靈性(生命力,宗教與和平)等。當我們思考公民教育、德育和國民教育時,筆者認為「和平教育」是值得香港教育工作者參考的。
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