這是一個很有趣的學術會議. 再者, 又有知名神學家出席. 不妨考慮參加. 費用約 HK$8500. 對於那些計劃歐遊的人, 這絕對超值. 我有計劃參加. 若是, 可以一齊寫論文. 我暫定的範圍是 church in cyberspace.
2009年8月24日 星期一
在 Aarhus 日子
昨日, 終於完成論文發表 (題目:兩個國度教義與社會交易理論的結合). 參加者只有數人. 這是很正常, 因為我都是選擇有興趣的課題才參與. 雖然討論有點自由發揮, 但我從中也獲得不少洞見. 一位教授請我將論文寄給他, 因為他不能出席我的論文發表. 這算是一種鼓勵吧 !此外,一位在瑞士世界信義宗聯會工作的神學家邀請我今年十月中到 Geneva 延續討論. 他們負責機票和食宿. 不錯的收獲吧!雖然時間與我早前計劃出席巴哈教 (Ba' hai) 的學術會議相衝 (最後確實日期是8月31日), 但我只好棄亞洲, 選歐洲. 或許, 我會順道到 Lisbon 一趟. 坦白說, 這不應是順道, 而是專程去一去.
2009年8月18日 星期二
臨終者的臉容以一種絕對的他者向我們出現。絕對的他者不只是因為每一個人都是他者,而是一位曾可以行走自如的人如今卻卧在床上,一位曾思想靈巧的人如今卻陷於思想混亂。E.Levinas 說,「[死亡]就是存在者的表情達意運動之消失,而這些運動曾使他們呈現為活靈活現的人。這些運動一直都是回應。死亡的致命一擊,首先就落在這些運動的表情作用之上,以致覆蓋了一個人的臉容。死亡就是不再回應。」 臨終者的臉容更帶我們進入一個屬於我們,但卻陌生的死亡世界。屬於我們,因為我們不會不死;陌生,因為在生和有意識下,我們對死沒有實存的認識。死屬於死者,但生者卻要死。在他者的臉容上,死亡以一種近距離與我們接觸,但卻沒有征服我們。這種壓迫感覺使我們不安,不但因為我們沒有方法可以阻擋死亡的來臨,更因為我們不認識它,甚至不想認識它。這是Levinas 所描述的「ex' ception」,即是一種異乎尋常的關係,也是一種不能接受的關係。弔詭的是,面對無能與無助,我們不想與臨終者有太近距離接觸,因為我們接受不了自己是無能與無助。此刻,臨終者的臉容又成為另一種他者,就是被排斥和被忘記的他者。只有如此,人才可以無知地過活,並繼續相信他的能力。然而,這卻是最不人性維護自己人性的做法。
臨終者的臉容以一種絕對的他者向我們出現。絕對的他者不只是因為每一個人都是他者,而是一位曾可以行走自如的人如今卻卧在床上,一位曾思想靈巧的人如今卻陷於思想混亂。E.Levinas 說,「[死亡]就是存在者的表情達意運動之消失,而這些運動曾使他們呈現為活靈活現的人。這些運動一直都是回應。死亡的致命一擊,首先就落在這些運動的表情作用之上,以致覆蓋了一個人的臉容。死亡就是不再回應。」 臨終者的臉容更帶我們進入一個屬於我們,但卻陌生的死亡世界。屬於我們,因為我們不會不死;陌生,因為在生和有意識下,我們對死沒有實存的認識。死屬於死者,但生者卻要死。在他者的臉容上,死亡以一種近距離與我們接觸,但卻沒有征服我們。這種壓迫感覺使我們不安,不但因為我們沒有方法可以阻擋死亡的來臨,更因為我們不認識它,甚至不想認識它。這是Levinas 所描述的「ex' ception」,即是一種異乎尋常的關係,也是一種不能接受的關係。弔詭的是,面對無能與無助,我們不想與臨終者有太近距離接觸,因為我們接受不了自己是無能與無助。此刻,臨終者的臉容又成為另一種他者,就是被排斥和被忘記的他者。只有如此,人才可以無知地過活,並繼續相信他的能力。然而,這卻是最不人性維護自己人性的做法。
2009年8月15日 星期六

1. 基督徒需要就真,善,美,樂趣(娛樂)作出神學反省.傳統來說,我們比較著重真與善,但對美與樂趣缺乏認真討論,以致基督徒不懂討論流行文化.
2. 可能受我當下撰寫論文的影響,我傾向用馬丁路德兩個國度思維去思考文化.意即,文化有它自己的規律,我們不要將它變為福音.所謂改造文化就是讓文化做回自己,不被資本主義殖民化和邪惡所佔.
3. 黑暗之子比光明之子聰明,所以,我們不應該對基督教帶領文化有過份期望.要接受自己少數身分,但有自信,並願意謙虛與其他人合作和學習.當基督徒缺乏自信時,他們就以權力來思考他們的角色.
2009年8月9日 星期日
昨晚深夜從韓國回港, 帶著疲勞的身體準備今日的講道. 今日要去的教會是平安福音堂 (吳主光傳統). 2-3年前曾到一趟. 那次講道完後, 長老跟我說, 我們對你所說的有點不習慣, 但仍可以明白的. 不錯的評語, 也因此, 2-3年後, 平安福音堂沒有忘記我吧!
2009年8月2日 星期日
我們是說故事的人 (約伯記)
No matter whether you can tell good stories or not, we are storied people. On the one hand, we are shaped by different stories, such as, our family story and the Hong Kong story. To a large extent we do not have much choice among them, for we are created from them. On the other hand, we have the ability to re-interpret the stories that are shaping our lives, and from there, we write the ending. Since we are not able to choose stories for our own, my focus today is on how to re-interpret the stories, good or bad, that we are inherited.
I recall a biblical figure named Job. Job was a truly good person, who respected God and refused to do evil. (1:8) At that time, there was a general belief that God punished the wicked and rewarded the righteous. This is something like karma (the law of moral causation). However, Job's coming experience was inconsistence to this belief. He had no idea why misfortunes heavily came upon his life. He not only lost his wealth and children, but also painful sores broke out all over his body--from head to toe. (2:7) His misfortune did not gain sympathy and support from his wife, but on the contrary, his wife said to her, 'Why do you still trust God? Why don't you curse him and die?' (2:9) Job did not have the freedom to choose what kind of story he wanted, but misfortunes just came in its time. Despite this, he was not completely passive, for he was free to interpret his tragic story, and interpretation might bring release. This was exactly what Job's friends wanted to offer to him.
The hermeneutical skill that Job's friends offered was that Job's tragedy was the result of his unrighteousness and sin. Since God was righteous, he only punished those who deserved it. It was impossible that God would make the righteous suffered, for this was against God's character as well as their belief in God. However, this interpretation did not help Job, not because he did not believe in the logic of karma, but because the logic karma was not able to explain his experience. He defended by saying that 'I am desperate because God All-Powerful refuses to do what is right. As surely as God lives, and while he gives me breath, I will tell only the truth. Until the day I die, I will refuse to do wrong by saying you are right, because each day my conscience agrees that I am innocent.' (27:1-6) His defense generated further attack and criticism from his friends.
We did not know how long Job had been suffered, but God was silence for some time. Till chapter 38, God finally spoke to Job and his friends. Surprisingly, God did not explain to them why Job was suffered. Rather God showed them his mystery of creation and his providence. In Chinese, we call this 遊花園. It means hanging around, and does not address to the issue. According to chapter 1-2, Job's suffering is the result of the bet between God and Satan. But God does not tell Job and his friends. Why? Firstly, it is because if they know the truth, they would completely lose their faith in God. It is better not to mention about this. Secondly, the bet between God and Satan is not part of the original text. It is a later addition, because the readers are not able to accept God's response to Job's suffering, that is, 'no reason' for his suffering. In fact, Job no longer insists to find out the reason behind his suffering when he has listened to God's saying. Job said, 'Who am I to answer you? I did speak once or twice, but never again.' (40:4-5) Later, he repeated again, 'No one can oppose you, because you have the power to do what you want. You asked why I talk so much when I know so little. I have talked about things that are far beyond my understanding.' (42:2-3) In the midst of God's mystery of creation and providence, the importance and desire to find out the reason is suspended.
The mystery of God makes Job learn to be silence in uncertainty, suffering and frustration, but have faith in God. Besides, it makes Job learn to re-interpret his story not in a mode of karma, but in a paradoxical way, that is, the co-existence of God and suffering, righteousness and suffering. Perhaps, the great discovery of Job is to go beyond the unexplainable tragic in his life, not stuck in his past. This is especially true when you open your hearts to God's creation, you are aware of how little we are. Our problems and difficulties (relational, financial and physical)are real, but they are not as serious as we think.
How can the mystery have such transformative power? I cannot explain it fully, but I can share with you a story. A friend of mine whose child aged 16 is seriously mental handicapped. He is not able to move around, and even he may not be able to know the one who takes care of him is his parent. Till now, my friend does have a lot of questions in my mind. Why did God allow his child to be mental handicapped? Why didn't God prevent medical mistake happened? Someone come to comfort him by saying that you will know it on the resurrected day. I do not know whether he will know the reason finally, because this is Job's experience. Despite this, I share with Job's experience of that the mystery of God's creation and providence has sustained our lives till today. Tragic feeling is still there, but we are still able to live with it. More importantly, we are able to write our unfinished story. The mystery of God's creation and providence provides us a hindsight to re-interpret the past
We may have many bad experiences coming from our family, friends, church and work. And the most tragic is that we may be too occupied by them, and lose the ability to write our own stories. I am not asking you to forget the past, but I do pray that you can experience God's mystery of creation and providence so that you are able to write your stories with joy and passion.
No matter whether you can tell good stories or not, we are storied people. On the one hand, we are shaped by different stories, such as, our family story and the Hong Kong story. To a large extent we do not have much choice among them, for we are created from them. On the other hand, we have the ability to re-interpret the stories that are shaping our lives, and from there, we write the ending. Since we are not able to choose stories for our own, my focus today is on how to re-interpret the stories, good or bad, that we are inherited.
I recall a biblical figure named Job. Job was a truly good person, who respected God and refused to do evil. (1:8) At that time, there was a general belief that God punished the wicked and rewarded the righteous. This is something like karma (the law of moral causation). However, Job's coming experience was inconsistence to this belief. He had no idea why misfortunes heavily came upon his life. He not only lost his wealth and children, but also painful sores broke out all over his body--from head to toe. (2:7) His misfortune did not gain sympathy and support from his wife, but on the contrary, his wife said to her, 'Why do you still trust God? Why don't you curse him and die?' (2:9) Job did not have the freedom to choose what kind of story he wanted, but misfortunes just came in its time. Despite this, he was not completely passive, for he was free to interpret his tragic story, and interpretation might bring release. This was exactly what Job's friends wanted to offer to him.
The hermeneutical skill that Job's friends offered was that Job's tragedy was the result of his unrighteousness and sin. Since God was righteous, he only punished those who deserved it. It was impossible that God would make the righteous suffered, for this was against God's character as well as their belief in God. However, this interpretation did not help Job, not because he did not believe in the logic of karma, but because the logic karma was not able to explain his experience. He defended by saying that 'I am desperate because God All-Powerful refuses to do what is right. As surely as God lives, and while he gives me breath, I will tell only the truth. Until the day I die, I will refuse to do wrong by saying you are right, because each day my conscience agrees that I am innocent.' (27:1-6) His defense generated further attack and criticism from his friends.
We did not know how long Job had been suffered, but God was silence for some time. Till chapter 38, God finally spoke to Job and his friends. Surprisingly, God did not explain to them why Job was suffered. Rather God showed them his mystery of creation and his providence. In Chinese, we call this 遊花園. It means hanging around, and does not address to the issue. According to chapter 1-2, Job's suffering is the result of the bet between God and Satan. But God does not tell Job and his friends. Why? Firstly, it is because if they know the truth, they would completely lose their faith in God. It is better not to mention about this. Secondly, the bet between God and Satan is not part of the original text. It is a later addition, because the readers are not able to accept God's response to Job's suffering, that is, 'no reason' for his suffering. In fact, Job no longer insists to find out the reason behind his suffering when he has listened to God's saying. Job said, 'Who am I to answer you? I did speak once or twice, but never again.' (40:4-5) Later, he repeated again, 'No one can oppose you, because you have the power to do what you want. You asked why I talk so much when I know so little. I have talked about things that are far beyond my understanding.' (42:2-3) In the midst of God's mystery of creation and providence, the importance and desire to find out the reason is suspended.
The mystery of God makes Job learn to be silence in uncertainty, suffering and frustration, but have faith in God. Besides, it makes Job learn to re-interpret his story not in a mode of karma, but in a paradoxical way, that is, the co-existence of God and suffering, righteousness and suffering. Perhaps, the great discovery of Job is to go beyond the unexplainable tragic in his life, not stuck in his past. This is especially true when you open your hearts to God's creation, you are aware of how little we are. Our problems and difficulties (relational, financial and physical)are real, but they are not as serious as we think.
How can the mystery have such transformative power? I cannot explain it fully, but I can share with you a story. A friend of mine whose child aged 16 is seriously mental handicapped. He is not able to move around, and even he may not be able to know the one who takes care of him is his parent. Till now, my friend does have a lot of questions in my mind. Why did God allow his child to be mental handicapped? Why didn't God prevent medical mistake happened? Someone come to comfort him by saying that you will know it on the resurrected day. I do not know whether he will know the reason finally, because this is Job's experience. Despite this, I share with Job's experience of that the mystery of God's creation and providence has sustained our lives till today. Tragic feeling is still there, but we are still able to live with it. More importantly, we are able to write our unfinished story. The mystery of God's creation and providence provides us a hindsight to re-interpret the past
We may have many bad experiences coming from our family, friends, church and work. And the most tragic is that we may be too occupied by them, and lose the ability to write our own stories. I am not asking you to forget the past, but I do pray that you can experience God's mystery of creation and providence so that you are able to write your stories with joy and passion.
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