你只需要click 這圖像一次後, 再放大就可以了. 這是我這部電腦的功能, 但可能不適用在你那部電腦呢!
我係學護,超Like this!!!!
口罩大俠: You are most welcome, but don't cover up your month on that day if you come so that we can say hello to one another.
Then i will cover up my mouth so that u can recognize me, i reli mean it!WAKAKAKA:D
回覆刪除你只需要click 這圖像一次後, 再放大就可以了. 這是我這部電腦的功能, 但可能不適用在你那部電腦呢!
回覆刪除我係學護,超Like this!!!!
回覆刪除口罩大俠: You are most welcome, but don't cover up your month on that day if you come so that we can say hello to one another.
回覆刪除Then i will cover up my mouth so that u can recognize me, i reli mean it!WAKAKAKA:D