2010年8月5日 星期四

講粵語, 寫正體



(來源 http://penlives.com/article.php?id=63)

4 則留言:

  1. "大學要用英語上課" in Hong Kong?
    I don't think so!!!
    Why MA program in Religious Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong is taught in Cantonese?

  2. 有可能你不知道中大的處境. 雖然兩文三語是中大創校原則之一, 但近年來, 中大高層有意全面推動英語授課. 數年前, 校內就此有很激原討論. 從此看來,這正印證我的關注.

  3. Dear prof. Kung,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    I once talked to former Chairman of Religious Studies Department in CUHK. His explanation was that many texts of Chinese Religions do have any English translations, so MA Program, M. Phil Program and Ph.D Program are taught in Chinese at Religious Studies Department in CUHK.

    Then When I studied with current Chairman, I found that he very enjoyed speaking Cantonese in his class. One of the reasons seemed also to be that many scriptures of Daoism don't have any English translations.

    I know many students of Religious Studies at CUHK. Sorry, I have to say, few of Ph.D student is good at English, especially spoken English.

    What I am worried is that without enough training of English, how can Ph. D students in Religious Studies major at CUHK cultivate their international view? They are not able to communicate foreign scholars let alone keep themselves up with the academic development of the West. I think Hong Kong is a place where the West meet and mix with the East. But it seems like that Ph.D students of Religious Studies in CUHK cannot become the bridge between the West and the East.

    As one of your students, I am worrying about the future of Religious Studies in CUHK.

  4. 聯合國廢除繁體字應是謠言,而中國近日亦有官員放風話轉用繁體字,可惜失敗。
